The economic affairs like other affairs had undergone a
process of evolution which resulted inestimable economic
developments and contributions as reflected in the Arthaśāstra of
Kautilya one of the great economic thinkers of his times. The Mauryan
state itself took part in a number of economic activities keeping a close watch
and control in sectors like, trade, treasury, commerce, agriculture, industries
and labour problems etc. The role played by Kautilya in the process of its
evolution had been very decisive. Nevertheless, Early Indian Economic
thought is a field still practically untilled, and economic thought in any age
only reflects its time and life, it moves with the variation of economic
condition. The economic interpretation of our past economy is one of the first
fruits of the study of early Indian economic thought that study enabled us to
visualized not only the life of our ancestors but it also helped us to
recognized and interpret even the purpose of their every day economic
activities and affairs. Our knowledge of early economic thought acknowledged
the contribution and role of great thinker like Kautilya and obtained for him
his due position among the economists of the ancient world.
Since human knowledge can be analyzed and categorized
into different sciences, economic science in ancient India was also a result of
the some process which deals with the economic phenomena of human life.
However, it can be interpreted as the set of theories, doctrines, laws and
analyses applied to the study and solution of economic dimension and problem.
But economic thought was not a given and fixed set of economic theories or
tools and mechanisms of analyses. However, in present day economic scenario
economic is a dynamic science, a feature which acquires an account of various
reasons. Since human society is a complex phenomenon, a very large number of
courses are likely to be at work in most cases. The different scholars could
very well differ as to the choice of most relevant courses at work. An economy
is a dynamic phenomenon and therefore, economic science is a dynamic one with
social change, new economic questions present themselves. And man’s thinking is
influenced by his social and physical environment. Since, the economic thought
developed along two lines. One hand, within the basic framework of a free
economy and its institutional set up, there is always a scope for deeper and
intensive investigation which provides a basis for further analyses and
theorizing. On the other hand, the very dynamism of an economy provides a basis
for further investigation. In a closed or feudal economy, there is not much
scope for further investigation. But free economy poses new challenges which
economic thinkers have to meet.
Thus it seems that economic science is change oriented.
Over successive time intervals, specific sets of economic ideas, theories,
doctrines, tools and techniques acquire recognition and acceptance implying
thereby that different contexts. We have different system of economic thought.
Therefore, the study of the economic thought of Kautilya’s automatically becomes
the study of various system of economic thought of Ancient India.
In fact, the economic thought of any civilization or age
was the reflex of the life of human of that age or civilization, and the
economic life of any people or epoch is again conditioned and programmed very
largely by their natural and social environment. The physical background of
early Indian economic could hardly have been very different from what it is at
present day economic scenario. For example, the dependence of our agriculture on
the moon-soon and on the water supply will explain not merely the emphasis laid
by the government of the present day as the provision of vast schemes of
protective irrigation, but they will show, how, in early India, the provision
of similar works utility was justified as much by economic statement ship of
Kautilya that rural bodies or villagers should maintain an efficient system of
irrigational tank and channels of villages those who damage lakes, embankment
and works of irrigation would be penalized”1
The Arthaśāstra a work of substantial
importance has been attributed to Kautilya, who played dominating role in the
formation of the Mauryan throne that expelled the Macedonian army from India.
His role in the field of scholarship is undoubtly laudable, gave detailed
analysis of different aspects of early Indian economy. Kautilya and his master
work Arthaśāstra are misunderstood. Historians and economists
are of the opinions that in early India kings were self centered and their
concern was the attainment of personal aggrandizement. But it is simply
misconception and the misunderstanding of the scholars. We glean from Arthaśāstra various
welfare measures of the state for its subjects, it speaks of kings aims:
the happiness of his subject lies the king’s happiness; in their welfare his
welfare. He shall not consider as good only that which pleases him but treat as
beneficial to him whatever pleases his subject.”1A
for clear comprehension of Kautilya’s economic thought and their applications
to the present economic scenario, for that we have to be aware of the essential
characteristics of the core content of the AŚ, such as, agriculture,
mining , Industries and forestry, transport, trade and commerce, taxation,
wages, allowance, salaries, social security, replenishment of treasury during
emergencies, provision for uniform weights and measurement, fixation of
percentage of interest, regularization of marketing of commodities etc.2 Kautilya
states that if state passes through a deep economic crisis in that situation
king should direct the superintendent of the temples to collect the
property, money gold, silvers of the temples and deposit them in the
state treasury.3
Thus Arthaśāstra gives
us idea that if our contemporary government in India adopt this particular
Kautilya’s economic thought then our economic crises would be solved.? Kautilya
warns: “A person cannot acquire and maintain wealth, which possessed deep
faith in astrology’. ‘Wealth will pass away from the childish man who
constantly consults the stars; for wealth is the star for wealth; what will the
stars do”. Men without wealth do not attain their object even it with hundreds
of efforts; objects are secured through objects, as elephants are through
elephants set to catch them.”4
Thus Kautilya advised the king not to adopt such
religious beliefs which put hurdle in the execution of his important
plans he should not hesitate to prescribe for the deposition of the
wealth and property of temples in the state treasury during the grave economic
Though, Early Indian literary traditions refer four
branches of knowledge such as, philosophy, religion, economic and polity. The
term Vārtā (economics) is referred in AŚ which primarily
represents Vṛtti or means of livelihood. It is very clearly
depicted in AŚ that Vārtā deals with
agriculture, cattle breeding and trade.5 But in modern
nomenclature, Vārtā deals with the economics of agriculture,
trade, banking and industry, which shows that consumption, distribution, and
taxation, forming a modern economic were left out of the scope of Vārtā.
It seems that Artha and Artha-Śāstra were
quite distinct, 6 the later never deals with the artha in
the sense of wealth, which was the subject matter of Vārtā. Ancient
literary traditions of India fully recognized the significance of economic
science where the Vārtā was considered as essential for the
material interest of the people as were the Vedas for their
spiritual well-being.7 K.V.R. Aiyangar rightly argued that the
“aim of the ancient Indian conception of wealth was to be its material quality,
its appropriability, its being the result acquisition, it’s not being quite
identical with gold, its consumbility, and its attractiveness due to scarcity.”8
Kautilya was aware of the significance of wealth in the
scheme of life for the gaining the ends of human life, and were fully conscious
of depressing influence of poverty. Wealth however, was regarded as an end in
itself, but as a means to an end. Contrary to common notions, he condemned
asceticism and held those seeking to embrace the ascetic order without
discharging their duties liable to punishment, 9 both
ancient and modern economists, give predominance to rural economies, because
agriculture has been the occupation of the pupils throughout ages. Along with
cattle breading and doing farming agriculture contributed the most important
part of Vārtā, which a king was enjoined to study. The AS speaks
that concerted efforts of the state are essential to attain growth with
stability in the field of state agricultural production. It is further
stated that for enriching the state treasury, abundance of harvest was
considered absolutely essential. Thus the attainment of maximum agricultural
production was considered as basic requirement for the welfare of the subject
and strengthening the state. Farmers were under an obligation to cultivate
their fields. It was punishable offence for a farmer, on a tenant, to neglect
or abandon his field of the time of sowing or for the farmer to take away the
land from tenant.10 Thus it seems that development
of land was the principal factor in the success of agriculture. The state and
the people were enjoined to strive for the prosperity of agriculture. The
interests of the peasantry were guarded against distraction or nuisance by
banning the intrusion of non-productive classes such as actors, dancers,
singers, drummers, buffoons and wandering minstrels into village.”11 The
state officers and servants were to live outside the limits of the village
apparently to save peasantry from oppression. The AŚ prescribes
that army men should not enter into villages except in emergency they were not
to oppress peasants or have any dealings with them. It was further depicted
that the army was to be used for no other purpose than fighting.12 The
economic interest of the farmers were safe guarded by fixing fair prices with a
view to lowering agricultural prices.13 A Dasguta rightly
argues that “The Mauryan state attached considerable significance to the land
holding, settlement and cultivation of land.”14 The AŚ prescribes
that the state should bear in mind the settlement of the agricultural region,
which had settled before, on which had not been settled before, by bringing in
people from foreign lands or by shifting the overflow of population from his
own country.15 It is prescribed by Kautilya that in newly
settled villages, agricultural operations were carried through after preparing
the waste land. He states that such land worth of cultivation should be settled
permanently, and economic burden should not be put on peasants, who cultivated
waste land, but they should be provided with cattle and seeds to colonies waste
land. It was also kept in mind that local markets were to be founded for the
sale of agricultural produces and variation of fertility was to be considered
while fixing the taxes on peasantry.16 The productivity of
piece of land was dependent not merely on its soil, irritability and
cultivability, but on its quality of extension, size, situation and
accessibility. The AŚ speaks of certain penalties if somebody
abstract agricultural operation. If a person forcibly occupied the land of
other, he was to be punished like a thief. Encroachment and destruction of
boundaries were considered serious offences, encroachers and guilty were fined
24 pāṇas. If the person encroaches land of other during the time of
sowing seeds was to be punished with 12 Pāṇas.17 Kautilya
refers certain penalties for harming pastures, which were considered beneficial
for the development of agricultural economy. Extremely stringent punishment has
been prescribed for setting fire to pastures. Such person if found guilty, was
to be thrown into fire.18 It seems that Kautilya prescribed
such hard punishment only in order to check completely the deliberate burning
of pastures. However, it must be admitted that prescription of such stringent
punishment lacked humanitarian touch. The damage of crops of peasant by the
cattle, the owner of the cattle was punished by imposing fine double the amount
of loss incurred. If an owner of the cattle deliberately left them to stray, he
was to be punished with a fine of 24 pāṇas.19
However, we notice certain incentives prescribed by
Kautilya to peasants, who played very vital role in agricultural economy by
producing food products not only for their family members but also for those
who live in urban areas. The land tenures provided incentives to peasant for
better participation in agricultural operation. Prepared land was allotted for
life time to the peasants. The AŚ reveals that “unprepared
lands shall not be taken away from those who are preparing them for
cultivation.”20 The peasant should be provided relief by the
state during the famine and other calamities, and they should be provided seeds
and provision.21 The AŚ further speaks of
exemption from the payment of grain tax for year together, when they had
contributed to improvement of infrastructure, such as the construction of new
tanks, lakes, roads, etc.; repairing neglected or ruined works of similar
nature, taxes were remitted for years, for extending or restoring water
sources, over-grown with weeds.22 The AŚ prescribes
proper arrangement for weight and measures for market places so that peasants
could obtain reasonable price of their surplus yield. The peasants were duly
helped by the state to utilize maximum irrigation facilities in order to raise
production. The AŚ depicted the seasonal agricultural
operations extremely essential, it is argued that peasants while engaged in
agricultural works would not be arrested,23 the peasants were
given loans in forms of cash or kind. The rate of interest on such loans was at
one pāṇa and a quarter per hundred i.e. 15% per annum for
non-commercial purpose. The rate of interest was higher if related to trade.
Those who were engaged in over sea-trade had to pay at the rate of 20% which
was highest. The Kautilya’s theory of Interest in the field of agriculture
varied between five times and one third of the value of the quantity of
pledged.24 The AŚ tells us that interest on
grain was not to exceed in season of good harvest, more than half when valued
in terms of money. Interest on stocks was one half of the profit and it had to
be regularly paid. If it was allowed to accumulate intentionally, the amount
payable was to be equal to twice the share or its principal.25 His
theory of rate of interest reflects the welfare of the state. He states that:
“The welfare of the state depends on the nature of the transactions they should
be properly scrutinized’’.26
Thus the payment of interest when due only have been in
forced through the power of law or else as Kautilya had so shrewdly observed
the welfare of the state would have been disturbed resulting by the economics
of disturbance. This implied that public welfare depended largely on the
economic dealing between debtors and creditors.
Interestingly, the AŚ has prescribed
reasonable relief to debtors, who, due to circumstances over which they had no
control, were unable to pay interest over period during which the disability on
inability least, he argued that for non-accumulation of debts were minority of
the debtors, illness, stay in the teacher’s house (to complete education),
engaged in a sacrifice lasting for a considered period and bankrupting or
extreme physical infirmity and widow etc.27 Thus Kautilya
reminded money lender and state agencies of their social responsibilities by
giving certain exemptions and relief’s on the ground of their educational or
socio-religious preoccupation which shows that Kautilya concern sociological
values and mechanism to cheek the hardship of such categorizes of people living
The land-system which has been referred in the AŚ time
and again is debatable, and has been debated by the scholars since remotest
time. The question of land ownership is still undecided, but the difference of
opinion among the scholars reflects a difference on how ownership is to be
defined, but it can be surmised that the actual position might have changed
over the period of time. The AŚ recommended tax free
land-grants to Brāhmaṇa priests, state official such as,
superintendents, accountants, gōpas, Sthānikas, veterinary
surgeon, physicians, horses trainers, and messengers,28 might
be in lieu of cash salary for their services, but they had no right to alienate
by sale or mortgage. Thus the Mauryan State indicates the scarcity of coins and
certain ingredient of feudal economy?
The Mauryan state took keen interest for the development of forests, of which
it was the sole owner. The AŚ refers that it was the duty of
the state to protect, develop, promote and maintain forest, emphasized the need
of a forestation, 29 keeping in mind the enormous benefit
of forest for mankind. Kautilya laid the duty of the superintendent of forest.
“The superintendent of forest shall collect timbers and other products of
forest by employing those who guard productive forest, fix adequate fines,
which cause any damage to productive forest’’30
. Further prescribed that state should establish product
forests, one for each important products, as well as factories for
manufacturing goods made from the forest produce to enhance economy of the
Nonetheless, the great advance in agriculture in early
India and the thorough knowledge of the minute details of agricultural pursuits
possessed by ancient economist are seen in Arthaśāstra such as
the concept of irrigation by rain, rivers, tanks, reservoirs. The numbers of
villages were held jointly and severally liable for keeping, water, channels,
and tanks in efficient repair, which ensured project maintenance of irrigational
works. Any damage of such works of public utility was to be urgently rectified
even from resources of temples. Special facilities were to be given to those
who constructed tanks, dams, wells out of piety, so that the state might
receive co-operation from individuals in providing irrigation works.31
Land revenue was the main source of income and formed an
important ingredient of the Mauryan economic system. The AŚ refers
one-sixth of state share as land revenue from the peasants. But during economic
emergency, 32 the AŚ prescribe one-third
or one-forth as state share. Generally a large portion of the revenue was
collected in kind, and the proper keeping and periodical/ renewal of the
collected stock was prescribed. Kautilya insists on a full and flowing treasury
for the state by appropriating a large portion of the state revenue for the
creation of a reserve found or treasury, which was not to be touched except on
occasion of a grave calamity.33 Thus policy of Kautilya on
economic is quite understandable when one considers the unstable political
condition of the time demanding constant preparedness for war because of
constant danger from neighbouring state. Thus in early India, when state load
was unknown, the only mean available for the state to tide over an economic
crisis was the possession of a well-stocked treasury and granary. The AŚ depicted
different sources of revenue differently at the different place. Two important
categories were body of income and sources of income, each subdivided under seven
heads, 34 for irrigated agriculture, a water rate was an
even more important source of state revenue than the land tax.
This was payable whenever water for irrigations works was
used by the peasants, even if the works belong to the peasant himself.35 There
was a graduated schedule of the rate to be changed, depending on the nature of
the irrigation works used. If the works were such that the water was set in
motion by land, the rate payable was one-fifth of the produce, if set in motion
by shoulders, the rate was one-fourth, the latter rate also applied to
lift-irrigation, water being lifted from tanks, wells, rivers and lakes while
the rate increased to one-third when water was set flowing in channels by a
mechanical device.36 In all cases the water rate was addition
to the normal land tax of one-sixth. This means that a peasant utilizing
mechanical irrigation which used flowing water were liable to pay half of his
produce as tax. The AŚ presented certain exemption from water
tax for limited period five years for newly built tanks and embankments, four
years for ruined or abandoned tanks on renovated embankment, three years for
those that one cleared after having become over grown with weeds.37
Now the question arises whether there were any limits to the state levying
exorbitant taxes. Kautilya has considered the point, and he was of the view,
that the threat of disaffection among the subject and their possible migration
to another state appears to have worked as a deterrent on kings taxing their
subject beyond their means. The AŚ prescribes partial or total
exemption of taxation, it is noticed that on humanitarian grounds certain
classes of people like learned Brāhmaṇas, the dumb, the deaf,
the blind, student studying in a Gurukula, and hermits were exempted from
paying taxes; infants, those far advances in age, women newly confined or
destitute, poor widows, and people otherwise helpless were also tax free.38 Kautilya,
prescribed special efforts by the state to enrich the treasury during economic
crises, emergencies, besides benevolences, forcible loans and donations,
emergency taxes, arbitrary enhancement of normal rates, and fraudulent and
forcible collection under several pretexts, which are exhaustively dealt with
by Kautilya, who prescribes to the sale of divine images and the entire
property of the religious shrines was to be confiscated. The dramatists,
singers, dancer, prostitutes had to pay 50% their income as compulsory payments
to the state.39 Thus certain undesirable methods to enrich the
state treasury during economic crises was the practice of the Mauryan times.
But state officials, drawing high amount as salary, were left unaffected during
economic crises.
The development of mineral resources was the important
state activity and specials attention for the exploitation of mines was paid,
and considered mining as the important source of state income. The mining
during the Mauryan times was directly connected with various kinds of
industrial production. The AŚ speaks of the opulence of
industrial production contributed significantly in enriching the treasury. All
mines belonged to the Mauryan state were put under the supervision of the
superintendent of mines who must be an expert in Sulbaśāstra geology,
and dhatuśāstra, metallurgy.40 The digging of
new mines and the renewal of old discarded ones was an important duty of the
superintendent of mines. Kautilya states that those mines are the best which
yield rich ores, are easily accessible and capable of being operated at a small
cost. Diamond and gold mines were highly preferred.41 But
Kautilya was in favour of a large mine, even if it yields products of small
economic value, as the ground that products of small economic value command
continuous sale, but the product of high economic value have a limited sale and
demand particularly among the common people.42 Although all
mines belonged to the state, but not all of them were to be worked directly by
the state. The mines with high operating cost were leased out, on for a fixed
rent.43 Kautilya prescribes that all salt mines should be
leased out for a share on hire.44 Thus credit goes to Kautilya
for providing new dimension to the exploitation of mines and setting up
separate department for operating mine and manufacture of metals.
However, the early Indian economy was an agricultural
economy; the fertile Indo-Gangetic plains provided ample scope for the greeted
industrial enterprise in the form of agriculture. But other industrials or
agricultural products and natural wealth of the land also developed during
Mauryan times. Sugar industry was the most important industry of early India.
Kautilya suggests that the lands that are frequently over flown by water for
long are suitable for growing sugar cane, and the forming of sugar-cane
possessed the risk of facing flood or flood like situation, comparatitively the
cost of production of growing sugar cane was much greater. The AŚ prescribes
that the special efforts and expenditure were required for transporting and
crushing reaped sugar-cane.45 Thus the sugar production was
considered most at difficult and worst in agricultural production system.
Another industrial activity of the Mauryan state which
was given considerable attention was textiles. The Artisans of the Mauryan
state had attained a high degree of proficiency in spinning and weaving fine
textiles. The Mauryan economy was partly pastoral and partly agricultural. As
such tending of cattle and shearing off goats and sheep hair constituted
important occupation, resulting in the weaving of woolen clothes. Textile
industries during the Mauryan were snot state monopoly, but Kautilya refers to
private production. However, the Mauryan state was expected to engage in
production of textile on an extensive scale, and to maintain strict state
control and supervision of that part of industry which was in private hand.46 The AŚ refers
to the Sūtradhyakśā who was suppose to get yarn spun from
wool, bark-fiber cotton, hemp and flax by woman, especially those without
support, women from respectable families should be allowed to spin in their
homes. The officers in change was directed to look after the manufacture of
ropes, thongs and straps, useful for carts, chariots, etc., used in the anmy.47 The AŚ prescribes
that those women who do not stir out of their Houses, those whose husbands are
gone abroad and those who are cripple or girls may, when obliged to work for
subsistence, be provided with work in due courtesy through the medium of maid
servant while making construction in a new fort, places were allotted to
artisans in a corners of a fort, guild of artisans and cooperation of workmen
resided within the fort. It was on the sweet will of the artisans to allow
others of their profession to reside in the locality.48 Thus
besides giving Protection to the workers and artisans, state also kept a strict
watch over their mal-practices and mischief’s. Ratio of raw material and
finished goods were fixed. Adulterations in commodities were properly
supervised and monetary and corporal punishment was suggested to anti-social
workers. 49 We notice plethora of reference to various
guilds and corporation in AŚ. Kautilya states that the
guilds of artisans as well as those who carry on any co-operative
work shall divide their earning either equally or as agreed upon among
themselves, 50 certain artisans working independently with
their own capital and in their own work-shop. Whereas the artisans working in
guild system, guaranteed the customer against loss, damage, etc., caused by
artisans. Even there were master artisans, employing a number of artisans to do
work for the customers, and earning a profit, the delay in delivery and failure
to carry out the customers instructions were offence punishable by the state.
During the Mauryan times guild had became very rich and powerful and some of
them maintained troops of their own. The AŚ refers to the
danger of provoking these corporations and advocates several methods of
exploiting them in the king’s name.52 The potential danger to
the state from the unrestrained power to these guilds seems to underlie the
severe regulation restricting their activities. Another important
responsibility of the Mauryan state was to arrange for storage of a wide
variety of goods. The construction of the stores is described at length. The
part of the stores was made up of goods produced by state and enterprise, the
rest was received by the state in kind. The store provided a convenient means
of creating buffer stocks and preventing a wide fluctuation in rice, the
director of the trade being expected to buy when there was a slut and sell when
there was scarcity.53
The media of exchange was also an important ingredient of
the Mauryan state. Throughout the Mauryan times, money has been an important
media of exchange. It has on the one hand relieved the commercial and economic
fields from the defects of barter system while on the other guaranteed a great
impetus to payments for goods or carrying other kinds of business obligations.
The AŚ refers to several types of coins, such as gold, silver
and copper coins. The coinage was a state monopoly, and the special official
under the Mint Master received bullion from the public to be struck into coins
on payment of seignior age changes.54
However, trade was one of the most significant economic
activities in Mauryan state and received a large part of its income from trade
and was having monopoly over the manufacturing of a large variety of goods. The AŚ tells
us that it was made obligatory for traders to get license, while, and foreign
traders were required to get passport in addition. Kautilya classified trade
into two distant categories – Svabhūmija, indigenously produced or pārabhūmija,
produced in foreign lands. Indigenous good belonging to the state were sold in
one place, presumably, the capital city, where all state stores were located.
Imported goods were to be sold in a number of centers. In both the interests of
the customers were to be kept in mind while fixing the selling price. The AŚ prescribes
that a large profit must be avoided if it was harmful to the subjects,
especially in the case of commodities constantly in demand.55 The AŚ refers
two factors to be considered in fixing value of price were (a) the cost of
production as determining the supply; and (b) the demand for article as
determined by its utility.56 Whole scale price for goods were
fixed by the superintendent of commerce, as they passed the custom house. A
margin of profit was allowed to retailers. The public, consumers and customers
were protected by the state, which employed an army of spies and market
inspectors against unauthorized price and fraudulent transactions. Goods had to
be sold at fixed market, places, and the dealer had to specify particulars as
to quality, quantity, and price, which were scrutinized and recorded in
official book.57 The superintendent of commerce not only
prevented or minimized the chances of deceit, or of undue advantage being taken
by the seller over the buyer, but also ensuring that the prices were not
exorbitant or unconscionable, and that the material, its style, quantity, or
measure precisely corresponded to the terms of the bargain.58 Normally
state goods were sold by the state officials but the help of private traders
was sought. In that case, traders were required to pay a fee, to make up for
the loss of profit which the state would have earned by sale through its
officials.59 The involvement of private traders in selling
state goods indicates the ingredients of the privatization of trade even during
the Mauryan period, which is considered the feature of present day economic
trends and ideas.
However, the economic advantages of both inland and
foreign trade were duly recognized. The organization of castes and guild led
not only to localization of industry, but also to the creation of special local
market for the sale of product. The freedom of the market was implied in the
rule prohibiting the king from going into the market with his retinue. The
existence of grade of middle men, between retail traders and the powerful
magnates who were able to create ‘corners’ and to manipulate the market in their
own interest was not only implied but provided against.60 The
officer in charge of trade was to arrange for the export of state goods to
foreign lands. When undertaking such a venture, he was to taken to
consideration all relevant factors such as costs of transport, duties
prevailing prices in different places and so on to determine the profitable. He
could also investigate the possibility of bartering state goods for those from
foreign lands.61 The general principle of export- import trade
was to ensure profit. Should there be no profit, he should see it there is any
advantage in taking out goods or in bringing goods in exchange for goods, and
along river routes he should ascertain condition of trade before hand and
should proceed to where there is profit, avoiding places where no profit can be
had.62 They had to secure new market for the surplus products
of the country. Rest houses and store-houses were to be provided for traders,
for whose protection proper police escorts were also recommended. River boats
and ocean going ship were to be pressed into services. The AŚ prescribes:
“the state administration must granted it security against thieves, forest
tribes, wild forest folk, etc.; and undertook to make good losses in transit’’.63 The AŚ further
prescribes to encourage import, suitable- rebates to foreign traders, if
current rate did not leave a proper margin of profit for them.64 To
encourage, promote, and facilitate trade, both inland and foreign, state were
enjoined to improve and increase the means of communication and transports.
Thus Kautilya refers several trading facilities which were afforded to
encourage foreign trade. Foreign merchant could sue in Indian court, and were
protected from being harassed by suits against them in local courts.
Kautilya accepted that in spite of all precautions; it was impossible to
eradicate corruption from amongst the state employees who participated in
financial transaction. He states that: “just as it is not possible not to taste
honey or poison placed on the surface of the tongue, even so it is not possible
for one dealing with the money of the state not to taste the money in however
small a quantity.”65
The AŚ depicted
that, “just as fish moving under water cannot possibly be found out either as
drinking or not drinking water, so the state employee carrying out state work
cannot be found out while taking money for themselves’’.
prescribes the transfer of state employee from one work to another work or one
place to another place, so they could not misappropriate govt. money. 66
Thus it is very clear that the problem of
corruption among the state employee is as old as early Indian state and not the
practice of modern time only. It seems to be a universal practice from ancient
to present time, which is not accepted fact in our modern administrative
system. But AŚ also prescribes certain incentives to those
employees who enhance the state revenue instead of eating it up, and loyally
devoted to the state services, should be made permanent in state services,67 even AŚ refers
forty ways of embezzlement of revenue of the state by its officials. All
possible efforts were suggested by Kautilya to minimize the practices of
corruption among the government employees.
However, the AŚ prescribes and discusses
the principles on which salaries of the various state/government officers and
employees should be determined. The amount of salaries paid to different grades
of employees during the Mauryan times reflected some basic aspects of an
economy. Monthly salary was prescribed by Kautilya in terms of Pāṇa,
which were legal tender as well as medium of exchange. A Pāṇa contained
silver equal to three-forth of Tola (10 gm).69 The
silver content of a Pāṇa in the present time will be
approximately of the value of rupee fifty. The salaries were fixed on a cash
basis but could be paid in kind or as a mixture of the two; a formula is given
for converting a part of salary into a mixture of mostly grain and a little
cash. An official could, in lieu of a part of his salary be allotted land to be
formed by him for his own benefit but such land could neither be sold nor
mortgaged and could be used only as long as he held the office.70 The
paying state officers through land grants is the indication of the presence of
the ingredients of feudal economy. The principles of salary fixation as
depicted in Arthaśāstra as follows:
The total salary bill of the state shall be determined in
accordance with the capacity (to pay) of the city and the country sides and
shall be (about) one quarter of the revenue of the state. The salary
scales shall be such as to enable the accomplishment of state activities (by
attaching the right type of people), shall be adequate for meeting the bodily
needs of state servants and shall not be in contradiction to the principle of dharma and Artha.
If the (amount of the actual cash in the) Treasury is inadequate salary may be
paid (partly) in forest produce, cattle or land, supplemented by a little
money.71 However, in the case of the settlement of virgin
lands, all salaries shall be paid in cash; no land shall be allotted (as a part
of the salary) until the affairs of the (new) village are fully stabilized.72 The AŚ further
states that salary of any individual employee, permanent or temporary, shall be
fixed in accordance’s with the principles of salary fixations, taking into
account each one’s level of knowledge and expertise in the work allotted.73 The AŚ refers
to special provision for the honorarium for teachers and learned men as minimum
500 pāṇas and a maximum of 1000 pāṇas (for
each occasion).74 Traveling allowances are prescribed for
middle grade officers as 10 pāṇas per yojana, upto
10 yojańas – 20 pāṇas per yojańa,
between 10 to 100 yojańa, if any government officer dies during his
duty. His sons and wives shall be entitled to his salary and food allowances.
Minor children and old or sick relatives shall be (suitably) assisted
Conclusion: Economic though of Kautilya attracted
the attention of scholars all over the world. Probably no early human
civilizations practically witnessed the economic system prevailed as envisaged
in the Arthaśāstra of Kautilya. But it is also true that AŚ does
not discuss wholly impossible utopias; the economic thought was often pedantic,
but usually more or less feasible. However, it is not likely that any state
conducted its affairs wholly on textbook lines, and the prescriptions of the
experts were/are not always put into practice. The so called state controlled
economy of the Mauryan kings was confined to the middle Genetic plains, which
did not last during the later Mauryan times and post-Mauryan periods, where
land seems to have been newly in possession of individual farmers and peasants.
The controlled cultivation was replaced by individual cultivation. But we must
bear in mind that Kautilya had little interest in ethical issues, unlike the
Buddhist. However, Kautilya categories three types of goals such as spiritual
goals, material well being and sensual pleasure, but he advocated that material
well being alone is supreme, spiritual goals and sensual pleasure depend on
material well being. Thus, he states, it is wealth not stars, that leads to
achievement of any kind.
B. Belier is of the view that the Mauryan economy was a
planned economy and points out that Kautilya economic planning was necessitated
by the very circumstances and factors presented in early India occasioned by
climate and nature.76 He further argues that there is no trace
of such a planned economy in European theories until recent time.77 His
extensive work on Kautilya planned economy can be negated from the stand point
of modern economics. Kautilya presented virtually as an anticipator of economic
planning. This is a serious proposition and eminently opens to
challenge and negation. Breuer had been trained in Marxist tradition and
ideology, and influenced by Russian and Marxist ethos and ideas. Thus it is
inevitable that he would want to compare and trace the idea of Russian planned
economy model with that of early Indian Economy of the Mauryan times. The
economic planning was indeed in one sense such a simple, elementary and human
category that almost every individual even of the most primitive times may be
said to be an economic planner in so for as he makes provisions for the future.
Similarly every state that make a yearly budget is also used to planning out
the future ahead.78 In a more limited sense economic planning
implies his intervention of the state in the private economy of its citizen,
even modern state also control and interfere in the private economy through
certain laws. This is almost an eternal as well as a universal fact of economic
history from the remotest times. “The regulation of prices, wages, and
interest, the prescription as to the kind of food grains to grow, the control
of commerce by tolls, excise and customs, the redistribution of national wealth
and income by taxation and currency, manipulations, and of course, the
promotion of public health Vidyas, Kālas, arts and
services etc.; have been the regular features of state activities in the East
and the west.79 Breloer used a common place category economic
planning without distinguishing its old and new contents. But we must bear in
mind that modern economic planning has to be distinguished from the kind of
planning visualized in Arthaśāstra. The modern concept of economic
planning or for the development, the state prepares a plan which may spread
over a certain number of years, lays down priorities in the matter of
development, allocates resources in men and capital in accordance with the
priorities and watches over the progress of the plan in the various field from
year to year, but Arthaśāstra does not prescribed these
How for does the picture of economic thought gleans from
the Arthaśāstra conform to actual conditions? This is
indisputable that some sort of control over economic activities was necessary
in the interest of the state revenue. But we cannot state in precision that
Kautilya was directly associated with the economic policy of the Mauryan state.
As a matter of fact, the economic thought depicted in AŚ might
not be the innovation of Kautilya, there might be derived from earlier
traditions. The Arthaśāstra of Kautilya prescribed the model
of mixed economy, in which private and public sectors played their important
role. It prescribed for the adoption of standardized weight and measures for
the entire economy. Kautilya was aware of the fact that regularized marketing
and provision of cheap credit were basic requirement for the rapid and stable
economy. Some of the features of the Kautilya economy are adopted by states of
modern world. The state had monopoly in the production of served goods and participated
with private entrepreneurs in the exploration of mines. Fixed rate of interest
and profit were prescribed. Traders were compelled to use standard weight and
measures, the implication of a comprehensive programme of social security
measures. Utmost care was taken to promote economy and the welfare of the
people which was the main agenda of the Mauryan state. Thus it can be surmised
from the analytical survey of Arthaśāstra that some of the
Kautilya’s economic thought keep relevance in the present day economic
The Arthaśāstra of Kautilya emphasized
to pay proper attention for a forestation. He advocated the adoption of
monoculture of some valuable trees species to enrich the forest reserve of the
country. The AŚ prescribed for the proper maintenance of
recreational forest. Wildlife protection was given due importance, chief credit
and marketing was prescribed in order to accelerate the tempo economic growth.
Kautilya suggest the maximum irrigation facility in farming to attain growth
with stability, and was in favour of regularized marketing system in the field
of agricultural production. Kautilya paid supreme importance to the maintenance
of rich treasury, which favourably affected entire activities of the state. In
his opinion the augmentation of the treasury depends mainly on abundance of
harvest, opulence of industrial production, prosperity of trade and commerce as
well as on good economic management. The AŚ prescribed that
the dependants of deceased employees of the state, must provided maintenances
those economic security measures adopted by the state keep relevance in the
present time.
Thus, it can be deduced that the Mauryan state must run a
diversified economic activity, efficiently, prudently and profitably. The kings
were advised to be ever active in the management of economic because the root
of wealth was economic activity inactivity brings material distress. Without
any active state economic policy, both current prosperity and future gains are
destroyed. Thus state should be active in managing the economy because source
of material wealth is economic activity. Without it natural well being is not
possible. And kings were advised to maintain a diversified economy, within the
limits of the technology available at that time. It is very clearly depicted in AŚ that artha has
a much wider significance than merely ‘wealth’. The material well-being of an
individual was a part of it. As Arthaśāstra in its concluding
part depicted that the source of the livelihood of human being is wealth which
is both the territory of the state and its inhabitants who may follow a variety
of profession. Thus it is the sacred duty of government of a state/nation to
maintain the material well-being of the nation and its people.
R. Shamasastry (ed-&-tr.) Kautilya Arthaśāstra, Mysore,
edition, 1929 and 1960-61 (hereafter R. Shamasastry AŠ, pp. 47,
227. R.P. Kangle, The Kautilya Arthaśāstra, 3 Pts. Rep.
Delhi, 1986 (hereafter as Kangle AŠ) II.I, IV.10, L.N. Rangarajan, Kautilya
the Arthaśāstra, Delhi, 1992. (hereafter as L.N. Rangarajan AŠ).
R.P. Kangle, AŚ, IV.3, V. 2. 37-38,p.26, R. Shamasastry, AS, p. 38. T.
Ganapati Sastri, The Arthaśāstra of Kautilya, Pts.
Trivandrum, 1924-25. (hereafter as T. Ganapati Sastri AŚ) Devadatta
Sastri, Hindi Tr. Kautilya Arthaśāstra, Allahabad, 1957.
(hereafter Devaddutta Sastri, AŠ).
L.N. Rangarajan, AŚ, pp. 14, 16, 81, 89-95, 242-293. R.P. Kangle, II.12,
16, 17, 19, IV. 2, III, 14, V. 2, 3.
R.P. Kangle, AŚ,V. 2.37-38,p.155
R. Shamasastry, AŚ, pp. 378-79, L.N. Rangarajan, AŠ, p. 637,
R.P. Kangle, IX, 4. 26-27,p.225
R.P. Kangle, AŚ, I.2, 4.
Ibid. I.4, XV.1. Vidyabhaskar Vedratna and Udayveer Sastri, (tr.) Kautilya Arthaśāstra,
1.4, XV.1, (hereafter Vidyabhaskar As).
7. The
Cultural Heritage of India, published by The Ramakrishan Mission, Vol. II,
Calcutta, 1962, pp. 655-56 (herafter as
K.V.R. Aiyangar, Aspects of Ancient Indian Economic thought Varanasi,
1934, pp. 23-26.
CHI, op.cit. p. 656.
R.P. Kangle, AŚ. I.5, III. 10.8.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
IV. 2.
Ajit Dasgupta, A History of Economic Thought, London, 1993, p.29.
(hereafter as Ajit Dasgupta)
R.P. Kangle, AŚ, II. 1.1.
16. Ibid.
II. 4.3, II. 24, R. Shamasastri, AŚ, pp. 116-117.
R. Shamasastri, AŚ, pp. 192-194, AAIC, op.cit., p.71, R.P.
Kangle;. AŚ, II. 10.1, IV. 10.
Ibid. IV. 9.
19. Ibid., III.
10, K.N. Jha and L.K. Jha, Chanakya the Pioneer Economist, Delhi,
1997, p. 63, (hereafter K.N. Jha & L.K. Jha).
R.P. Kangle, AŚ, II.1
21. Ibid.
L.N. Rangarajan, AŚ, p. 81-82, 265-269. R.P. Kangle, AŚ, III.9.
K.N. Jha S- L.K. Jha, op.cit. p. 56, AŚ,III. 11.
R.P. Kangle, AŚ, XI. 1, 2, 5. Nagarajan, Foundation of Hindu Economic
State, Nagpur, 1997, p. 205.
G.C. Chauhan, “The Kautilyan Theory of Rate of Interest: An Ingredient of
Welfare State”, in ABORI, LXXXIX, 2008, pp. 35-37.
Vidyabhaskar, AŚ, III. 5, R.N. Saletore, Early Indian Economy,
2nd Ed. Bombay, 1993, p. 668.
R.P. Kangle, AŚ. III. 11.
Ibid. II.1.p.32, G.C. Chauhan, Origin and Growth of Feudalism in Early
India, (From the Mauryas to 650 A.D.), Delhi, 2004, p.81
R.P. Kangle, AŚII. 1-2, L.N. Rangarajan, op. cit. PR
44, 27, 83, 88 181, 623.
30. Ibid.
II. 17, 25. P.67
31. Ibid.
II. 1-2, 24, VII, 11, VIII. 4 L.N. Rangarajan, AŚ, op.cit.,
pp. 78, 237-40.
32. Ibid.
II.6, 15.
33. CH1, op.cit.,
p. 665.
R.P. Kangle, AŚ, II.6. two categories such as ayasarira (body
of income and Ayamakha, Sources of income).
Ajit Dasgupta, op.cit., p.34.
R.P. Kangle,, II.24.
37. Ibid.
II. 9.
R.P. Kangle, AŚ. II, 1. 7-18, III. 9-33.
39. Ibid.
V. 2, L.N. Rangarajan, op.cit., pp. 14-16, 55, 265-269.
40. Ibid.
II. 12.1, II. 12.7.
41. Ibid. VII.12,
Ajit Dasgupta, op.cit., p.30.
Ibid.VII. 12. 14-16.
43. Ibid.
II. 2.22.
44. Ibid.
II 12.28.
45. Ibid.
II. 14-15.
46. Ibid.
II. 23, Ajit Dasgupta, op.cit., p. 32.
47. Ibid.
II. 23.11, 18-19.
48. Ibid.
II 4, 38.
49. Ibid.
II. 14-15.
50. Ibid.
II, 4-6, L.N. Rangarajan, AŚ, op.cit., pp. 95, 181, 252.
51. Ibid.
IV. 1. 5-7.
52. Ibid.
XI. 1.
53. Ibid.
II. 5, 1-6, Ajit Dasgupta, op.cit. p. 33.
54. Ibid.
II. 12-14.
55. Ibid.
II. 16, 4-6.
56. Ibid.
CHI, op.cit., p. 661.
R.P. Kangle, II. 16, 11, 21, IV. 2. L.N. Rangarajan, op.
cit., pp. 16, 77, 91-93, 242-248.
59. Ibid.
II. 16. 8-16.
60. Ibid.
IV. 2.
61. Ibid.
II. 16.
62. Ibid.
II. 16. 16-25. L.N. Rangaranjan, op.cit. pp. 83, 182, 242, 307,
63. Ibid.
II. 21, 22, 28, 34, IV. 13.
64. Ibid.
II. 16.
65. Ibid.
II. 9.32.p.48
66. Ibid.
II 9. 33-34.p.47
67. Ibid.
II. 9.36.
68. Ibid.
II. 8.20.
69. Ibid.
V. 3, L.N. Rangarajan, op.cit. pp. 289-293. K.N. Jha-&- L.K.
Jha, op.cit., p. 224.
L.N. Rangarajan, op.cit., p. 179, R.P. Kangle, AŚ, II. 2.7.
Kishor Thanawala, “Kautilya’s Arthaśāstra: A Neglected work in the
History of Economic Thought”, in B.B. Price, (Ed). Ancient Economic
Thought, Vol. I, New York, 1997, pp. 43-57. R.P. Kangle, AŚ, V. 3.
72. Ibid.
V. 3.52.
73. Ibid.
V. 4.33.
74. Ibid.
V. 3, 18-21, 28-30.
L.N. Rangarajan, op.cit. pp. 289-292. R.P. Kangle, the Kautilya Arthaśāstra,
Part III, Delhi, Rep. 1986, pp. 208-210.
B.K. Sarkar, “Kautilya, Economic Planning and Climatology”, in Indian
Historical Quarterly, Vole, XX, Calcutta, 1935, pp. 329, 356.
B. Breloer quoted by R.P. Kangle in The Kautilya Arthaśāstra,
Part II, rep. Delhi, 1986, p. 191.
B.K. Sarkar, Loc. Cit, p. 343.
79. Ibid.
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